Introduction to Virtual Reality

Pictured below is a floating hand, holding a ball in a virtual world. How is this possible and how can one begin to understand the world of virtual reality? Through discussion and live demonstration, these questions can be answered. As industries prepare to shift toward new virtual interfaces, this course provides learners with a headstart on virtual reality!

Desktop Screenshot 2021.12.18 -

Tell Me More About This Course:

How does virtual reality work and why is it becoming so popular? This course explores the history of virtual reality and its current presence as a technological phenomena. Virtual reality headsets will be used to stream first person experiences that will accompany a continuous dialogue about this innovative technology. 


  • Stable Internet Connection
  • Access to a Video Calling Service
  • Webcam

Is this course for me? You needn’t be a pioneer of the virtual age. If you’re simply a fan of technology, game development, or science fiction, you will gain valuable insight from this course. Virtual reality is a platform for art, dance, film, music, socializing, and more. Explore and learn to navigate your interest in a groundbreaking virtual context.

We’re do you stand in the virtual world. Sign up and find out!